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The Geneforce Emergency Power Source may be connected directly to your breaker box and, thus, avoid the need for extension cords between the Indoor Generator and your equipment. Approximately 35% of Geneforce customers choose this option. First, pick which outlets you want powered. Next, have a Handy Man or Electrician connect the Geneforce Emergency Power System directly to your sub panel. For more information regarding installation of the Geneforce Indoor Generator to your Breaker Box, visit our Wiring & Installation Page.
Explore All Backup Power Systems
The Geneforce Indoor Battery Generator is a gas-free, solar rechargeable power source that does not emit any harmful fumes or gases. The Geneforce Indoor Generator is silent, mobile and starts automatically or with one-touch of a button. The Geneforce does not rely on gas and, thus, is safe for indoors. The Geneforce generators feature continuous output powers ranging from 2 kW to 7 Kw and more. The Geneforce Battery Generators can provide backup power for several hours, days or weeks on a single charge. The Geneforce Indoor Generator features a standby mode that is ready for any power failure. See the full line or Geneforce Emergency Power Systems.
The Geneforce Indoor Generator can be recharged with a standard wall outlet, solar panels, wind turbines and even a gas generator. When a power failure occurs, the Geneforce Indoor Generator will provide instant backup power to your equipment. When the electricity is restored, the Geneforce Rechargeable Indoor Generator will automatically resume charging and work as a "pass through". Also, the Geneforce Emergency Power System may use Solar Panels and/or a Wind Turbine to remain continuously charged. For more information, visit our How it Works? Page.
The Geneforce Emergency Power Source is an Indoor Generator that does not rely on gas and, thus, is safe for indoor use. There are no harmful emissions or fumes to worry about. The Geneforce Indoor Generator can be stored in a closet or room. Plug your appliances or equipment into the outlets located on the Geneforce Indoor Generator. Next, plug the Geneforce into a standard wall outlet. The Geneforce will provide Backup Power during an electrical failure. When the power is restored, the Geneforce will automatically resume charging.
Each Geneforce Emergency Power System features an Automatic Transfer Switch available in a variety of capacities. Plug your equipment directly into the Geneforce Indoor Generators outlets. Next, plug the Geneforce input plug into any wall outlet. When a power failure occurs, the Geneforce Emergency Power System will automatically provide electricity to your equipment. When the power is restored, the Geneforce Indoor Generator will automatically resume charging.
The Geneforce Emergency Backup Power System does not require installation. Plug equipment directly into the Geneforce Indoor Generator outlets. Next, plug the Geneforce input plug into a standard wall outlet. When a power failure occurs, the Geneforce Emergency Power System will start automatically. When the power is restored, the Geneforce Emergency Power System will automatically resume charging. Thirty-five percent of customers choose to hard-wire the Geneforce Indoor Generator directly to their Breaker box and, thus, eliminate the need for extension cords between the Genefoce Generator and the equipment.
The Geneforce Emergency Power System features an Advanced System Control Panel with Graphical 128 x 64 pixel, backlit LCD display that allows for setup and monitoring of the entire backup power system including multiple solar panels and wind turbines. The display panel shows power reserves, amp hours consumed, fault conditions, solar panel output, charging status, power consumption and much more. It is included with every Geneforce Indoor Generator.
Geneforce Emergency Power Systems can be recharged with Solar Panels and a Wind Turbine.
The Geneforce Emergency Power System is the world's first Battery-Based Solar Rechargeable Indoor Generator that can be recharged with a standard wall outlet, solar panel and wind turbine and provide instant backup power for use. The solar panels and wind turbine allow the Geneforce Backup Power System to recharge itself during prolonged power failures. Geneforce Solar Rechargeable Generators are available with a variety of solar charge controlling capacities ranging from 400 W to 3,000 W per hour. The solar panels and wind turbine easily connect to the Geneforce Emergency Power System via a positive and negative cable. For quick recharging, solar panels can be placed on your balcony, patio or terrace. View more information about Geneforce Solar Rechargeable Indoor Generators.
GEN-1634H Geneforce Emergency Power System
$13,479 Retail Price
18,200 Watts of stored eco-friendly power
The Geneforce Backup Power System is available with output voltages ranging from 120V to 240V. A variety of Geneforce Indoor Generators can provide 120V and 240V simultaneously. The Geneforce Indoor Generator features a voltage regulation system that stabilizes the voltage for smooth running of sensitive electronics. For more information regarding our 240V Models, visit our Hybrid Generators.
The Geneforce Emergency Power System is a Battery-Based, Solar Rechargeable Indoor Generator that does not rely on gas and, thus, is safe for indoor use. There are no harmful emissions or fumes to cause danger. In addition, there are no oil changes or tune ups to worry about. Most Geneforce Indoor Generators feature a Service Life of 12 to 16 years without the need for maintenance. The Geneforce Solar Rechargeable Indoor Generator arrives fully charged and ready to work. No installation is required.
The Geneforce Emergency Power System is a Battery-Based, Indoor Generator that is not harmful to the environment. The Geneforce eco-friendly generator does not rely on gas and, thus is safe for the environment and indoors. In addition, the Geneforce Eco-friendly Generator can harvest clean energy from the sun and wind by utilizing solar panels and wind turbines as alternative energy for recharging. The Geneforce Eco-Friendly Generator feature batteries that can be recycled after the service life has expired.
Backup Power for Home Owners
The Geneforce Emergency Power System is a gas-free, solar rechargeable generator that is safe for indoor use. The Geneforce indoor generator is silent, portable and starts automatically or with one-touch of a button. The Geneforce battery generator does not rely on gas and, thus, it does not emit harmful fumes or gases. The Geneforce Indoor Generators do not require Maintenance, Installation, nor Permits. The Indoor Generator arrives fully charged and ready to work. The Geneforce indoor generators can power a small apartment or large home for several hours, days or weeks on a single charge. For prolonged power outages, The Geneforce Battery Generator can be recharged with solar panels or a wind turbine. Find out more.
Geneforce Emergency Power Systems is available for purchase direct from the manufacturer:
The Geneforce Backup Power System is an Indoor Battery Generator that can be moved on four casters and re-located to areas that experience power failures. The Geneforce Emergency Power Systems feature four heavy duty casters that provide a sturdy and reliable means for re-positioning the Geneforce Indoor Battery Generator if needed. Highly efficient casters allow the Geneforce Battery Generators to move easily on a carpet. The Geneforce Indoor Battery Generator is the most powerful and portable indoor generator in the industry.
GEN-1634H Geneforce Emergency Power System
Features a 12 to 16 year battery life
Backup Power for Healthcare
Since 1998, the Geneforce Emergency Power System has been utilized in the medical field without any reported failures. The Geneforce battery generator is silent, mobile and starts automatically or with one-touch of a button. The Geneforce Emergency Power System is the perfect indoor battery generator for surgery centers, laboratories, pharmacies and other office locations seeking reliable power in the workplace or home. The Geneforce Emergency Power System meets NFPA code and accreditation requirements for JCAHO, AAAASF, AAAHC and State regulatory authorities.
The Geneforce Type 1 Essential Electrical Systems feature ethernet configuration and monitoring of the entire power system and solar panel and wind turbine output. The Geneforce Emergency Power Systems feature an online fault and warning feature that emails system status reports in real time. The Geneforce Emergency Power System features ethernet capabilities that allow data to be collected regarding voltages, power reserves, amp hours consumed, faults, warnings and much more. For more information regarding Online Monitoring, contact us.
Geneforce Backup Power Systems is a Solar Rechargeable Indoor Generator that does not rely on Gas
Information and Resourcesregarding Running Times, Healthcare Accreditation, and Wiring
The Geneforce Resource Library provides information regarding running times, wiring, and more. The Geneforce Resource Library includes information regarding Office Based Surgery requirements for Operating Room Generators. In addition, information is available regarding Type 1 Essential Electrical Systems and requirements for Ambulatory Surgery Center Generators. Also, information can be obtained regarding tax credits for Geneforce Renewable Energy Power Systems in your State. Discover what you were looking for.
The Geneforce Emergency Power System is an Alternative Energy generator that can be recharged with a Wind Turbine or Solar Panels. The Wind Turbines can harvest free renewable energy from the wind, and the Geneforce Battery Generator will convert the wind energy into reusable 120V and/or 240V electricity For more information about Geneforce recharging with a wind turbine, visit our Wind Power for Geneforce Page.
The Geneforce Emergency Power System is a Battery-Based Indoor Generator that can be recharged with solar panels and/or a wind turbine. The Geneforce Solar Rechargeable Generator features a 30 amp solar charge controller that allows the Geneforce to recharge with 12V solar panels. The Geneforce Indoor generators can be customized to feature a 60 amp solar charge controller and larger. The Geneforce Solar Powered Generator can also be recharged with a standard wall outlet or wind turbine. For more information, visit our Solar Power for Geneforce Page.
Online Pricing - one day shipping
Backup Power for Business
The Geneforce Emergency Power System is a robust, commercial grade Emergency Power System that is safe for indoor use. The Geneforce Indoor Generators are available with continuous output powers ranging from 2 kW to 7 kW. In addition, the Geneforce Emergency Power Systems feature power reserves ranging from 5 kW to 24 kW. The Geneforce Battery Generators can provide electrical power for hours, days or weeks on a single charge. No installation or maintenance is necessary.
The Geneforce Battery Generators start automatically and provide silent power for critical equipment during an electrical failure.
The Geneforce Emergency Power System is battery generator that is available in two different "Service Lives". The Geneforce Emergency Power Source with a 7 to 8 year Service Life feature high cyclabilities and reliable automatic power. The Geneforce Emergency Power Source with a service life of 12 to 16 years features an extended life without requiring maintenance. After the service life has elapsed, only the cells are replaced.
Geneforce Backup Power Systems for Pickup Truck Crossbeds and Trailers
The Geneforce Backup Power System is available for Pickup Truck Crossbeds and Trailers. The Geneforce Crossbed Generator fits most Pickup Trucks. Geneforce customizes Geneforce Pickup Truck Generators to fit your crossbed. The Geneforce Crossbed Generators are silent and start automatically. Also, the Geneforce Crossbed Power System is a Solar Rechargeable Generator that can be recharged with solar panels or a standard wall outlet. The solar panels recharge the Geneforce Crossbed Generator while the pickup truck is parked or driving. Find out more.
The Geneforce Emergency Power System is a "gas-free" Indoor Generator that does not require any Permits or installation for use. The Geneforce Indoor Generator does not emit harmful gases and is safe for indoors. The Geneforce Indoor Generator is perfect for locations in which gas is prohibited or not practical, for instance, an office or apartment. Taking it further, Nike Uses the Geneforce Power System to provide electrical power to the #nikefuelbox in remote areas without utility power. The fuel box appears in remote areas where electricity is not available.
The Geneforce Emergency Power System does not require any maintenance until the end of its service life. There is no gas, oil or installation required. The Geneforce Emergency Power System is available with a 7-8 year Service Life or a 12-16 year Service Life without the need for Maintenance. A variety of Geneforce Battery Power Systems feature online maintenance, in which data regarding System Meters may be downloaded and used for maintenance documents and Risk Management Reports.
"Established in 1999"
Match Geneforce Plugs and Outlets to your Circuits for Quick Connection upon Delivery
The Geneforce Emergency Power System can be custom ordered with Plugs and Outlets that match the circuits in your Home, Business and/or Practice. Matching your plugs and outlets to the Geneforce Emergency Power System allows for quick connection upon delivery. Through the Geneforce input plug, the Geneforce Emergency Power System can sense when there is a power failure and automatically provide power to your equipment and appliances. Find out more.
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